donderdag 3 april 2008

Louie, Louie, Louie!

Fuck some bitches broke my camera, well maybe it was me. I was pretty wasted and I can't remember, but I like to believe it wasn't me. So now I have to use other peoples or 'slightly older' pictures. Well here's another ex-intern that dropped by a couple a weeks ago; Luigi! Apparently his DJ career is going downhill, I'm getting more gigs than he does. He really is missed around here, well... by me anyways. He now works as intern at Vice magazine, and see how cool he looks since he's there. You can find us at our local bowling alley every friday night. 

2 opmerkingen:

Blokhut zei

die gast heeft allerlei gigs bij discobowling centra en shit. Naja, hoeft ie niet meer te draaien in fucking theehuizen...

Unknown zei

Wahahaha Luigi Jansen die mofo zat bij mij in de klas voor 4 jaar! is nog steeds niet veranderd haha :P Crazy asss mofo ayy pz out